Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Video 'Battle Field' (5:40) composed by Ashanti Floyd and performed by The Still Waters Youth Sinfo-Nia; Matt Barrett, guitar; and Ashanti Floyd, violin

Ashanti Floyd in rehearsal

Performers in rehearsal

Two photos from recording process

David E. Robinson III on YouTube video of Battle Field (5:40) composed by Ashanti Floyd ("The Mad Violinist") and performed by The Still Waters Youth Sinfo-Nia; Matt Barrett, guitar; and Ashanti Floyd, violin:

Here is the video that Sinfo-Nia did with "The Mad Violinist."  Spread the joy, the energy, and the love around by sharing this video.  The music, the artistry, the video production, the special effects, everything was outstanding.  We had fun at the rehearsals and the workshop led by him.  We enjoyed having students from his mother's school in Tallahassee, FL - a shout-out to Patrice Floyd and Javacya Arts Conservatory.  "Battle Field" represents a movement to bring young orchestra musicians together to perform a variety of music and to train future generations of string players.  Believe me, in my 30 years of teaching, it is a battle, but it is for a great cause.  We certainly appreciate the opportunity.  Thank you Ashanti and Matt.

I have also attached some pictures from the recording.

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