Monday, March 26, 2012 Dr. Joshua Russell Presents Music of Haitian Composer Ludovic Lamothe to West Suburban Music Teachers 9:30 AM April 5

[TOP: Dr. Joshua Russell BOTTOM: Valses to Voodoo: Piano Music of Haitian Composer Ludovic Lamothe; Joshua Russell, piano (2010) (44:06)]

The Haitian pianist Ludovic Lamothe (1882-1953) is profiled at which features a comprehensive Works List by Prof. Dominique-René de Lerma, The CD pictured above can be ordered for $15 plus shipping at Joshua Russell's website,

Trib Local Geneva
From the community
By Kathy Micheli Yesterday at 8:15 a.m.
“Dr. Joshua Russell, pianist and Haitian music expert, will give a lecture recital to West Suburban ISMTA.
“Music has played an important part in helping the Haitian people overcome adversity and rebuild since the 2010 earthquake. Deeply committed to helping improve the lives of Haitians through music-related activities, Dr. Joshua Russell will present a lecture recital for The West Suburban Music Teachers Association on Thursday, April 5th at 9:30 A.M. at Trinity Episcopal Church in Wheaton.

“The program will feature works by one of Haiti’s greatest composers, Ludovic Lamothe. Living from 1882 to 1953, Lamothe developed a nationalistic style of piano music through the combination of Latin-American rhythms, imitation of Haitian folk music, Voodoo drumming, and beautiful melodies reminiscent of Chopin. The pieces are very beautiful, and the influence of Chopin is so prevalent that many Haitians still refer to Lamothe as 'The Black Chopin.'”

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